Copyright issues

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Western Thunderer
This post is actually in support of Martin - though it might not look like it!

Hi David,


I think the issue of protecting your own copyright is separate from what I have been discussing here, which is about being sure you are not infringing other people's copyright.

On other web forums I have often hot-linked to 3rd party content on other web sites, but I can't safely do that here without risking infringing their copyright. Which on a forum where research into railway history is often an active topic, that seems a strange situation to be in.




Western Thunderer
This is what I mean when you are confusing everyone. Yes I was discussing the content which was the property of that member, that was because I was addressing directly comments Rob had made about his posts. He was trying to understand what impact it had on him, it still involved hot-linked images which is why I said it was "part of the issue".

Once again - probably for the last time before the benevolent hand of god intervenes - please direct further discussion via PM.

For any other member who isn't bored to death of this discussion and wishes to continue then please PM me and we can continue the discussion in private. I will compose and post on my conclusion later in a separate post to provide suitable guidance on how I interpret the copyright issue and how it impacts WT users, rest assured as far as I'm concerned there isn't a problem with the way we work and 99.9% of the posters respect copyright in the manner it was intended.

Sadly, it would appear Martin prefers an audience.



Western Thunderer
Sadly, it would appear Martin prefers an audience.

Hi Jon,

I very much dislike having things going on behind the scenes. On the Templot Club forum I have disabled PMs. I prefer everything to be conducted on the forum. If something can't be posted on the open forum I don't want to know about it. Members have email for private matters if they need to contact each other.

If members are not interested in this discussion it is very easy to scroll past it. If the owner of this web site is not happy to have this topic on his server it is very easy to delete it.




Flying Squad
It means that should I need to amend such content in future, I now need to remember to edit it in two places -- once on my own server and again on your server. As a result I'm not inclined to continue offering help with Templot on Western Thunder.

and that is the crux of your argument - and dragging copyright into it was just smoke and mirrors.

Fine have it your way - the facility is now disabled.

It was a useful feature for the members to stop threads getting broken. I still disagree with your interpretation but I'm not going to waste any more time trying to explain why because you just ignore the points I have made and don't acknowledge the requests I have made.

Again there are good reasons for retaining and using PMs, this has been repeated many times on this and other forums so is see little point in wasting further time on it.
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